Please excuse the "heel nippers", they won't bite........
I love walking the neighborhood, I always see something new..........
Just love the double doors with hanging baskets...those ribbons are so pretty!
This is what I wanted to do this year and I didn't get around to doing it. LOVE the monogram!
On the otherhand....this one ....NOT SO MUCH! (Think it's safe to say they lost their minds!)
Here is another favorite...again, those cone floral arrangements are gorgeous!
This "griffin" doesn't look too thrilled to see me...ummmm better speed it up Duchess!
Some homes didn't do any decorating, just look great the way they are.
This one I call the "castle house". So pretty !
Here's a close up of their front porch. (loooove those doors)
Aren't these gorgeous wreaths? This is where my Meals on Wheels buddy lives.
Shhhhhh.....don't tell my B.F.F. that I'm coming to kidnap" little pumpkinilla"....
Love how the tree frames this pretty house.....
Well, I had to get a close up of this one...they might consider calling the pest control company to spray for spiders.....
Just a tree in all of it's multicolor glory.........
Oh,'s my other BFF's house, let's just call her " Anita Walk " (hint hint)
Doesn't this look like Martha Stewart made it? It's gorgeous! So simple and elegant!
"Come on in", says "Anita"......
She made these cute little owl treat bags for her son's classmates! Isn't she clever?! Soooo cute!
Oh my, there's a lot of hooting going on here! A huge flock of owls just landed on the table!
But that's not all.......... take a look at these "out of this world treats"!! Little alien spacemen, she made from mini chocolate cupcakes, a donut hole and a marshmellow. They're covered in green frosting and their little beady eyes are actually chocolate covered sunflower seeds!
If you would like the recipe go to Duncan

Well, that's it guys..........
I hope you all have a HAPPY HALLOWEEN!