Friday, February 11, 2011

My Heart is Broken

It is with a heavy heart and a lump in my throat that I share the news that my beautiful Duchess passed away last night.

She gave us so much joy in her 13 years of life, we loved her like a baby and we will never be the same without her.

My hope is that she is in doggy heaven, sassy and happy, as she was here with us before her blindness.

My house is so empty and silent now.

She left a huge hole in my heart.

I miss her so much.

She packed a huge personality in her tiny 4lb. body.

Always ready to go for a ride and greet the people at the Starbucks drive thru...

A huge treat was the Mc Donalds drive thru, when she would get a half of a french fry...

We always thought she was half cat, since she loved to get on the top of the furniture to soak up the sun....

Two years ago I had this portrait painted of her, and will always cherish it.

She hated to wear sweaters, but in the winter she would shiver so much, I made her wear one on especially cold days.

Friends thought she was part of the decorations.....

We love you , Duchie

Rest In Peace


  1. I'm so sorry for your lost. It's so hard when we lose something so dear to us. But I know she had a wonderful life with you.

  2. Rose, that is so beautiful, I'm so
    sorry for your lose. She is in heaven now, and she nows she was so loved and will be greatly missed. my prayers to you and your family. Karen

  3. I am so sorry for your loss. We lost both of our old dogs last July. It's not easy and I definitely sympathize.

  4. Oh no...I am soooo sorry! My heart breaks for you! She was such a precious pup...I know you will miss her...oh so sad!

  5. Dear, dear Rose .. I am so sorry.

  6. Oh, Rose! I am so very sorry! Our little fur babies become such an important part of our lives and fill up our hearts and our homes no matter what the size. I know she will be terribly missed. I am sending you a big hug...Debbie

  7. I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your Fur Baby. I have 3 dogs and one is up in years with a few problems, but is still ready to go out side to bark at the neighbors dog. The are so much apart of who we are . Kathy

  8. Oh Rose...I feel so awfull...I called not knowing your baby had died...I called you first before checking my e-mail...I feel so bad for you I know how much you loved that little girl....I hope now you can come and be with us on Monday...We love you will be okay...Hugs, Sue.

  9. How sad to lose a special pet. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Sally

  10. I am so sorry you have to deal with such a great loss. I lost my Mom and baby KC and just know they are waiting for your baby with open arms and loving hearts and will take very good care of her.



  11. Oh Rose I'm so sorry. Your Duchess was was precious. I know how hard it is, I lost one of my Aussies in September and still miss her terribly.
    Your family is in my thoughts.


  12. Please know that I'm praying that time will heal your grief. These precious pooches are a part of our family. I went through what you describe 4 yrs. ago. Time does heal the heartache, and nothing will ever take your special memories from you. I got another precious pooch 2 yrs. ago, and she is such a wonderful blessing too. May you be comforted. Time heals! Your Duchie is looking down on you and will always be with you. Her portrait is beautiful. Hugs!!

  13. Oh sweetie I am so sorry to hear about your loss. What a beautiful tribute to her and I can tell how much she was loved and will be missed. She will be forever in your hearts and memories. Big hug to you and I know she would want you to know how wonderful you were to her. You are in my prayers.

  14. Big hugs to you and your family on the loss of your sweet little dog. They say our pets leave paw prints on our hearts and this is so true.

  15. What a precious puppy she was...I am so sorry.. losing a pet is one of the hardest things to go through..wishing you the best and for your heart's healing! Take care,

    Miss Bloomers/Sonia

  16. I'm so sorry for your loss. I found comfort in this piece when I had to put our family dog to sleep a few years ago:

    The Rainbow Bridge

    Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

    When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

    All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

    They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. Her bright eyes are intent. Her eager body quivers. Suddenly she begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, her legs carrying her faster and faster.

    You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

    Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

  17. Dear Rose,

    What a beautiful tribute to your little fur baby. You have captured her personaility in your photos. I know how your heart is broken. Abuela4

  18. Oh sweetie...I am speechless...I came over to say hello but I had no idea of your loss...I am so so sorry about your precious furbaby...I know how heart wrenching that can be..our little 16 yr old Maggie has been gone nearly two years now and just reading your post brings back that horrible day like it was yesterday...I know how you must feel and my heart and prayers are with you sweetie...I am so sorry...take care sweet friend...Picket

  19. How incredibly sad for you and how simply beautiful she was. My heart goes out to you. How wonderful that she got to share her much pampered life with someone who loved her so dearly. Hugs and thoughts are with you.......

  20. I'm very sorry to hear that sad news. Duchess surely misses you too.

  21. Oh Dear, my heart aches for you. I lost my dear Toby just last June and life just is not the same without him. We love them and they love us with all their heart. It sometimes seems unfair their life span is so short so they leave us way too soon. I know my Toby and my other furbabies are waiting for me at the rainbow bridge ( and some day we will be reunited. Blessings and Peace dear lady.

  22. I'm so sorry to hear about your precious Duchess...I know your heart is breaking. It's so sad to loose a special pet, they become part of the family. Thinking about you...Kristen

  23. I am so happy I came across your blog but now i am in tears. I love your tribute to your sweet baby. They are such good companions. I have a 7 year old yorkie named Hope and she has been my constant companion and I can't imagine my life without her. It is funny you say yours liked to lay on top of the couch, as I type, my sweet girl is doing that too. I know you will be reunited and I know there is a hole in your heart, so my heart goes out to you from a stranger in blog land and in the state of Arizona.
    Best to you!!!

  24. I was so touched by this post that i did a tribute on my blog for Duchess and my baby Hope. stop by and know you are being comforted.

  25. Oh, I'm so sorry about your sweet girl! There aren't words to aptly express the kind of sorrow we experience when we lose a sweet little member of the family and we're left with that hole in our hearts. Just know we are thinking of you and wishing you well.

  26. I'm sorry for your loss but I am happy for your cherished dog who was one of the lucky ones to have an owner who loved her and gave her a happy home for her whole life. So many sit in shelters and wait. I hope the memories of your sweet Duchess will leave you smiling and give you peace. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x5

  27. I know your heartache and wish I could say something to comfort you. She will live in your heart always.

  28. Rose, I just saw this post and I am so so sorry for your loss....this brought tears to my eyes....our precious pets are members of our families and add so much to our lives....I will remember you in my prayers as you grieve the loss of your precious Duchess.

    Lou Cinda

  29. I just read your post. Oh I am so sorry that you had to say goodbye for now to your Duchie. I have had to do that and I know it hurts...I hope that you are finding some peace.....

  30. Hey sweetie...just checking on you..hope you are ok and that you are having a good week...I know how hard it is..take care dear friend....Picket

  31. I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my 15 yr. old cat last year and know what pain you are going through.

  32. Rose, I am so sorry to be so late reading this. I am so sad for you. She was such a precious baby, and through this post, you have memoralized her beautifully. Even though I'm late getting here, I'm saying a prayer for you, because I know you are still grieving over your loss. Sending you big hugs. laurie

  33. Rose, I so sorry to read about Duchess. I know she was so proud of the beautiful tribute you wrote about her. I lost Murphy last August and still grieve for him. Love and Hugs, Diane

  34. I am new to blogging and just happened upon your site. I also have a Yorkie named Toby. I am so sorry for your loss.

  35. Oh Rose, how very sad. I am so sorry. I'm sure there will always be a void there, that no other pet can replace. May she rest in peace. My thoughts are with you and your family.

  36. Just happened upon your blog, and read your terrible news of your little friend. It is a loss to loose a pet, they are members of our family so why wouldn't we feel this way......I've been right there. I'm sending prayers your way.....

    The French Hutch

  37. I just found you from another blog. I am so, so, sorry about your baby! I have lost two, one to cancer at age 18 years, and another to kidney failure at age 16 years. Yes mam, they are part of your family, and it leaves a huge void. I only wanted to say I am sorry. If you feel like it one day, and want to, please stop by and meet my little Sophie. I swore after losing my other two, I would never, ever, have another inside dog but......along came this little scraggley dog that needed a home. That was a year and a half ago, and hubby and I both wonder now what we did before she came along. Oh, I love your painting! I would love to have one of Soph!

  38. O, Rose, I am so sorry for this. I just don't know what to say.
    Bless your heart.
    xo bj

  39. Your little Duchess was such a pretty, little darling. Continue to reflect on your joyous years together.

  40. Rose, I was just thinking of you and wanted to stop by. Wow, had no idea your sweetie dog had passed. I'm so, so sorry. I hope the pain is less now than it was in February. Our four legged babies get sooo deep into our hearts. I cried for three days and three nights straight when my dog, Jake died. I was a wreck and it still hurts sometimes to remember him. Hope all is well with you this May day.

  41. This is the very first time I saw your blog...don't even know how I got here.
    I felt I HAD to comment. I'm sitting here with a tear streaming down my face. I am feeling your pain so much. I have been in your shoes...twice. Bless your sweet heart, I don't even know what to heart physically hurts for you....

  42. Greetings from Bend, Ms. Rose! Thinking of you this holiday weekend .... hope everything is going well in your part of the world.

  43. Gosh I missed this Rose - I am so sorry. I know you have another one - but there is nothing that can replace a loved fur baby!

    I had such a nice time yesterday - hope you had let your little fur baby in.

    I LOVED the - well post card with the picture. I have never ever seen anything so cute.

    Now I want to get one for others - it is so wonderful - it is up on my wall already.

    Love, sandie

  44. Oh, I am so sorry...I think you posted on that portrait of her once. I know how it is to lose a dog that you cherish. It is truly a hold in your heart.
    I came by to thank you for the Valentine card. What a joy it was to receive a package of cards. Thank you so much!
