Hi there! I had to come up for some fresh air... just have a couple more Father Christmases to finish. I am taking a very well deserved break, going to visit some friends for a couple of days and won't be able to access my blogs... however I have finished putting together my new Father Christmas blog called.... The Santamaker Collection
Please come over and visit...let me know what you think.
(I had some technical difficulties with the text ... I tried to correct it a million times and I have given up... so there it is in all it's imperfect glory.)
Oh... I have to share this with you as well.... So I was combing my hair this morning and I thought I saw some white hairs growing in. I quickly got out the L'Oriel..(.cause I'm worth it. LOL), ..to cover them up and it turns out they weren't white... they were blond! Yeah... who woulda guessed it!
You know how I figured it out?
Well you see, I was trying to put some music on my new blog, so I went to the Playlist site to pick out some nice Christmas music, but all of the links were bad! I was so mad! None of them worked. They had no music ! I thought to myself, they really need to fix their site. I was reporting all the links that I thought were bad and come to find out...................
I had my computer on MUTE !
There you have it friends, who would have guessed that this Andalusian girl would start growing blond roots at age 50!.... LOL... No offense to my blond friends! See you guys later!
Rose you silly thing..girl I hope you have a fun time this weekend you know what they say Blondes have more fun!! I will be sure and check out the blog site..Hugs and smiles Gloria
I'm glad I'm not the only one who get confussed sometimes! lol
Blonde? I love it! Have a nice little break, but come back!
Be a sweetie,
Tee hee heeee..... I'm still chuckling over that one! You're in good company! :0} Diane
Oh Rose, you are just way too funny! Love that you told that you had your computer muted. Sounds like something I would do. Can't wait to go visit your workshop site. laurie
Oh Rose, they are all beautiful, but I liked the Christmas Wishes & Victorian Dreams the best, but A Dickens Christmas is a close 3rd. Did you make the little puppy? You are so talented & must have 20-20 vision. If I painted eyes that small, my Santa would look like Chuckie! The music thing is something I'd do. And I pay to be blonde, can you believe that? Enjoy your trip.
Hahaha, glad you found the mute button. Your music is lovely!
That is hilarious. I have a few blonde moments too. Well that is what my coworker says. whatever. lol. mishelle
Hi I just checked out your Santa's. I have to tell you they are the MOST beautiful ones I have ever seen. I am in awe. I was so excited about them i did a little advertising for you on my blog. I hope you don't mind. But honey you are a true artist. Just exquisite. Mishelle ps. I might just email you to..
You gave me a good giggle this morning with your blonde moment... I just checked out your new blog and I can see why you need a break.
Your creations are exquisite...all the little details are amazing. It must be hard to sell them after putting so much work into them...
;-) Bo
Hi Blondie! ;-)
Hahaha.. liked the story about the music.. hehe
An these santas of yours are real treasures!!! They are so professional!
Andalusia?? Spain??
Have a great weekend!
Well, welcome to the world of blondness!!!!
Your santas are soooo beautiful..I am heading over to your other blog to see.
Hey Rose; Now that sounds like something I would have done, oh wait I have done that... lol. I hope you have a great time this weekend. enjoy it. I am going to check out your new blog.
Hi Rose, I checked out the Santas. GIRL, they are amazing. You are truly an ARTIST!!!!! Just breathtakingly beautiful, I am in awe!
You goofy girl, you!! Like, I've NEVER done anything like that!!*wink *wink
I'm like Happy To Be...remember that blondes do have more fun...especially when they are going to 'take a break'....heh heh
I'm gonna be offended...just as soon as I stop laughing!! Hope your life is going good...we miss you around here...but I know you're busy creating magic...so you're forgiven for ignoring us lol...have a wonderful weekend!
hahahaha......join the REST of us non-blondes who have such moments. When I first started blogging, I could NOT get my text to show up. Then it dawned on my after about forty thousand tries, that on a black background, one has to make the text white to show up! See, I told ya! :0
Oh my goodness ; I have found you again ! I visited your blog several months ago and forgot the name and forgot to save you in my list . I am so glad I found you again . I am goint to put you on my list right now and into my reader.
Love your blog ! Everything is so pretty !
Pssss Rose, 'don't worry, be happy' as Blondes definitely have more fun. (Have been one all my life, woohooo and don't have any regrets.) SMILES!
(Left a comment on your 'Santa Collection' posting).
Rose, something I neglected to ask when I logged on for my previous comment; as your old World Santas are ever so enchanting, have you ever considered making Elves? Reason why I do ask is; they appear to be a very scarce commodity mass-produced or otherwise.
LOL! I needed a giggle. Thank you!
I visited your works of art. You are a very talented lady. I loved each and every one of those Santas!
Morning girl...I grow those same 'blonde' roots once in a while! lol Your creations are beyond words girl..gorgeous! Hope you have a great week!
Have a great weekend!! I'll check out your new blog!!
Rose honey... how's the break?? Have you recouped yet? Wanted to let you know you've been missed..
hugs ~lynne~
Rose may you and your Family have a safe and blessed Thanksgiving dear friend..hugs and smiles Gloria
Rose, honey where are you? Girl you have been sooo missed.. Sure hope those elves come out and get on with helping you.. You've been tagged by me for a fun post when you have the time..
hugs ~lynne~
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