The "Queen of Cheap" is not known to pass up a bargain, so when I spotted this charming little twin frame for $1.00 I "had" to get it.
It had no glass in the openings and I had no idea what I was going to do with it, but I loved the color and shape, so I put it in my shopping cart, down here in Hotlana, they call them "buggies".
Ooooh, don't cha just love seeing the bright orange stickers on the back of stuff you like?!? Yeah, me too!
Yep, got 'em! Still had no idea what I was going to do with them, but heck...they say that things look better in a large group, so I stacked them in the "buggie" and took them home!
Well, they sat on my dining room table for a week. With nothing but reruns on TV, I got desperate and took them out to look at them and figure out what I could do.
Then an idea came... I wanted to put shells inside of the frames, but how?
I had some cream colored grosgrain ribbon....
I flipped the frames upside down. Hot glued the ribbon to the back of the frame, vertically and then...
glued the shells to the ribbon....
Make sure the shells are not too heavy, they'll cause the ribbon to sag and strech.
These worked beautifully and I was so pleased with the results.
Here is how they look on the wall.
I hung them in two vertical columns of three. I was hoping to use all 8, but I ran out of ribbon.
I'll have to do the last two and add them on later.
Thanks for stopping by and be sure to visit Susan's blog, Between Naps on the Porch. You'll see some great makeovers! Also check in with Rhoda at Today's Thrifty Treasures, lots to see!
This project turned out fantastic!!
Thanks for sharing!
What a fabulous idea. They look gorgeous. I just made shell balls, aren't they fun to work with, so pretty. I love your frames, I may have to try that too. Hugs, Marty
You are so talented and clever! Can't wait to see this room you're making over! I love how you did this! Great idea! God Bless! Lauralu :)
Oh Rose this is just an awesome idea here...I have my head just spining now...I have a ton of old frame and I see a project in the making coming..Love this now is this your master bathroom you put these in...GREAT>>>May you have a wonderful day my friend...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Wow, those shell frames look great!! May I ask what beautiful color that wall is?
I have a giveaway on my blog that I'd love for you to check out!
Great idea! You are so inspirational! I love all your "coastal" decorating. Can't wait to see the new room you're soon to share!
What a darling idea! I am so into anything beach, shell, mermaid, coastal... LOVE this! Happy MET Monday!
Hi Rose, Love this idea! I just discovered that Wal-mart has the best selection of nice, big, white starfish and other large shells. This was brilliant...using the ribbon! I know a lot of folks will want to copy this idea!
Oh wow! I love this!!!!
They're beautiful Rose! You're so clever - I probably would have looked at them & walked on by. ☺ Diane
You had me hooked at the word "shells" since I'm in the middle of a beachy bedroom re-do! This project has given me some ideas. Thanks for sharing. :)
Rose, what an "awesome" idea..I'll never look at a frame again without the glass.. I'll be sure to pass this one onto my Catie. She will love it as much as I do.. Ok girl.. missed our show last night. The grandson is here and his programs took first place over mine...lol.. Bring me up to speed darling... hugs ~lynne~
How clever you are, but then we all knew that. The frames turned out great - can hardly wait to see the room they are in. Sally
How cool...thanks for sharing...Pat H
Hi Rose! Oh, love your frames! You've got vision and talent, Dear One!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Great use for those inexpensive (I refuse to call them cheap) frames.
I love these!! Great vision and follow through.
It did turn out beautifully. The combination of cream ribbon and the shells looks great.
How adorable. They look so good on that blue wall! Good job!
So clever and very pretty!
Great project - You did good. :)
Nice job! Very beachy and frugal to boot!
Beautiful. Wow and it was so easy.
I guess that could be done with anything..maybe pinecones in darker frames for fall..hmmm the possibilities are endless.
Your project turned out great. The frames grouped together make a big statement on your wall for obviously very little money. Thanks for sharing your idea.
Wow, those turned out just gorgeous! I like how you went ahead and bought those frames, just knowing that you would come up with something, and you sure did!
Hey, I thought I was the Queen of Cheap, but you definitely get the crown!
That was a fantastic idea!! I struggle with the creativity....blogs like yours are my saving grace! Thanks!
What a fabulous project!!! Love what you did with those great frames!
SHUT UP!! These look FANTABULOUS!!! Love'em! I would not have EVER thought of doing this in a million years!
Looks so great!
Lou Cinda :)
love that idea, really turned out nice! your very creative!
The only way those framed shells would look any better would be if you sent them to my house! What a beautiful job you did and what a great idea....if you have nothing going on next week, why don't you head on down to Montgomery and give me some inspiration?
Those turned out REALLY well! Love that the wall shows behind them.
Just wonderful! You really used your creative sense for this. Thanks for sharing.
Have a great rest of the week.
Geez Rose, is there NO end to your talents? This came out so amazing. I mean really, totally original and unique and I just love it. Now I can't wait to see the room!!!
Justine :o )
* Hi, Rose~ It's been aaaaages since I got to come visit, and I'm so glad I did... what a FABULOUS idea and a fun & quick project!!! Looks just darling!!!! So light & happy!!!
GOing to treat myself to a "look back" at some of your other postings, and thank you IN ADDVANCE for the fun!!!
I love this idea. I admire you for coming up with it. I don't think I have that creative gene!!
And that is one heavy duty glue gun you have there!! Industrial size!! I am sure this is what you need to use for your work. Great job!!
I love your find and what you did with them ! What a fantastic wall !
They look sooo pretty! I want to see the room makeover, I am so in love with your decorating style! Cindy
What a great project that turned out to be. We will all be on the lookout for frames now!
How do you come up with these ideas? Those look great! i would never have thought of doing them that way. laurie
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