Judy at
Gracious Southern Living has tagged me , so for fear that the blogging police might come knocking at my door, I feel compelled to spill the beans......... (make those coffee beans...yum)
1. I lived in an orphanage/convent in southern Spain from the age of 4 to 6.

2. English was my third language.

3. I was adopted and brought to the U.S. when I was 7.

4. I went to college, graduated first in my class with a degree in Education and never taught!!!

5. I wrote about how I met my wonderful husband, sent it in to Reader's Digest and they published it!!!

6. My favorite food is "Escargots".... in the south ......... that's SNAILS....... y'all !

7. I'm 5 Foot nothing with my heels on !!!!!

That's ME ................ ^
I try to follow the rules honestly, but there is no blogger out there that I visit that has not already gotten this invitation, so if you haven't gotten this , feel tagged and let us get to know ya better, K?.... also, could someone tell me how to do a link to Judy's blog? I am struggling everyday to figure out how all this blogging stuff works !!!
Now please go to Gracious Southern Living and visit all of the other blogs that got this assingment and DO YOUR HOMEWORK......YA HEAR?!?
PS.. I tagged Chris at Chris'scorner and Sarah at Abeachcottage so go check them out soon!
Oh my word girl...what some great info about yourself...I loved it! About the linking back thingy...go to customize..edit your post and highlight on Judy's name or blog name and lookup at the top of your post box and you will see a little green 'frogie' looking thing next to the color blocks and font size things....click on it...a screen will pop up and you type in the http:// of Judy and click ok (you can also choose a different color for her name to be while you are there) that's all there is to it..then you just save and post it..it should take you right to her when you click on her name then..just work with it and you will figure it out in no time....loved the post girl...have a great week!
Facinating...so glad you were tagged! What were your first two languages...Spanish and ? Are you still fluent in the other two. I am so glad you were adopted girl...else I might have never met you! You need to publish your Reader's Digest article on your blog sometime...that would be awesome! Susan
You must be proud of yourself. I would be.
Wowee, you've had an interesting life! If English was your third language, and I'm guessing Spanish your first, what was your second?
And wow, you got the story published in Reader's Digest? How cool is that?????
I see Dot already told you how to link to someone. If you have any more questions, just email me!
Justine :o )
Wait a minute! Now *I* want to hear the story of how you and hubby met! BLOG IT!
Justine :o )
Hey! I just love reading these interesting things about you...I feel like I know you a little better....You are a doll! How neat to have an article about how you met hubby published in a magazine....Wonderful!
I agree with Justine... Post how you met your husband... What a very interesting post... You have accopmlished a lot in your life... I have read a lot of your blog and found it very interesting so I am adding you to my blog so I can keep up with your blog and would love for you to visit mine...
Donna aka Squawmama aka Roxy LaRue
What great information you shared!! Now, we are glad the blogging world has 'adopted' you also. I have an adopted daughter so I know the joy you must have given your parents. Sally
Okay, you win...the most interesting tag award for your shared info!! It's an amazing life you've led so far...so glad to know you now... ;-) Bo
My goodness what an interesting life you have had.You never know do you?
Yes,I would love to read the story of you and your hubby.How very neat.Keep writing,I'll keep reading...love...Ann
OMGoodness...what an interesting tag...I LOVED learning all this about you.
Please share your article from Reader's Digest...I would love to read it and I know everyone else would, too.
love, bj
Thanks everyone for your nice comments. I apoligize, I somehow lost a couple of them on my laptop..just got it recently and it's so darn sensitive that it freaks out sometimes. I appreciate all of them, thanks for taking the time to write. I will definitely blog about the Readers Digest article
Well I want to hear the story about you and your hubby!!! So cool that you're "published"!!! And how on earth can you eat those slimey little critters???
I agree, you absolutely have the most interesting tag responses! Thanks for sharing! Can't wait to read your Reader's Digest story - Robyn
Hey Missy, Just wanted to remind ya the next MGC meeting is October 13th at 7:15. Speaker will talk about Bog Gardens. Hope you can come. :-) I'm bringing a camera that actually has WORKING batteries this time! HA!
Oh, cool...glad you will blog about the Readers Digest article...be sure to let me know when...don't want to miss it! :-)
oooh so interesting, I so love reading these on blogs, hmmm now it's made me think I haven't done it yet...
Hi Santamaker, Thank you for visiting my blog yesterday. I've enjoyed your rooms on RMS, they are all so pretty. Those chairs you redid are FABULOUS! Congrats on being published,your santas are beautiful. You are a very interesting person,I'm VERY impressed! I will visit your blog often. Kristen
DO you know I have a Santa with that same face. He's sits on a table. Come join me, I have an award for you.
Is it me? my computer? the blogger program?....I am so frustrated. Recently I switched to moderate comments so that I wouldn't miss any on older post, but for some reason, when I check the ones I need to moderate they disappear into thin air! Not all... but at least 5 on this posting so far have vanished. One in particular I was SO thrilled with, because it was in Francais from someone in France.. fancy that! Please repost if you don't see your comment published !!! I am so disappointed that I have lost them. Anyone else have this problem? What should I do ?
Also , to answer one of your questions.... my second language was Portuguese. I was taken from the orphanage in Spain and went to live in Portugal for a year (I was 6 yrs.old) until the redtape was cleared for me to come to the US and be adopted. I was put into a Portuguese 1st grade class and didn't understand a word they were saying... after a couple of months, I was able to communicate.
Yep.... no boring life for me !!
I enjoyed reading your answers. I think you can set your settings to moderate comments on only the older posts. I have mine set to moderate the comments on posts more than 3 days old...that way I won't miss anything!
thanks for the visits!
Wow- I learned alot about you on this post!
Sorry it has taken me so long to get over here! WE were gone for 2 weeks then I forgot my power cord to my computer and it took 10 days to get here.... now I am still playing catch up!
You blog is looking great!!!! YOu go Girl!!!
blessings to you
I don't know whether or not my 1st comment took b/c I always seem to have trouble w/ my password. I'm still trying to set up my blog (and it may take until Christmas!), and just spent half of the morning earlier today figuring out how to set the background. Wouldn't you know it, I picked the same background as you? When I looked at your's tonight, I thought I had messed up something to set everyone's blog to that! (Ha, ha!) Had to check out other blogs that I follow to be sure I had not. Anyway, I think we have the same taste (as I've seen several things on your RMS space that we both have). If you weren't a tad older than me (and I'm not rubbing it in), I'd swear we were separated at birth! Loved the toile & blue willow combo earlier. That was JUST BEAUTIFUL! Hope to see the love story post soon! Take care.
Oh...Tardevil... You DID set my blog to this wallpaper !! Oh my goodness, I just love it...thank you so much!!! Ha Ha you crack me up! It's taken me a month to figure out how to do things... I just picked out this wallpaper tonite... great minds think alike, I guess! Oh yeah...don't rub it in about me being older.. just watch out because us hotflashing older women can be vindictive... J/K of course. Can't wait to see your blog, please let me know when it debuts!
Now... go to bed! (you young little whippersnapper )
Be good,
thanks for the tag, we are heading out bush camping but I'll be doing it next week...
Rose, I have been out of town this week, and just catching up on some of my fav. blogs, and I find this wonderful and interesting info about you! I was adopted at the age of 3, and I'm so glad to know that a fellow-adoptee is one of my fav. bloggers and santa makers! Thanks for sharing all of this interesting info, and I can't wait to hear the story of how you met your husband. You've got everybody on pins and needles waiting for it. I will say that we were definitely not separated at birth if your fav. food is snails!! Laurie (bargainhunr)
Great stories! Love your blog!
I so enjoy your blog. I especially enjoyed learning more about you today. Have a great fall.
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