Blame it on Susan.... BetweenNapsOnthePorch...
She has started a "Friday at the Classy Flea" post and just like a junkie, I look at the stuff and just have to have it!! Take a look at the "damage" .....

My BFF Margie from Maryland came for a visit last week and I had to take her to the Flea. Although she's not a fan of thriftstores or fleamarkets, as you well know this ain't your Mama's Fleamarket. It's so nice and doesn't smell of old stuff !!! This was by far my favorite find and she must have just taken the picture of it for her post right before I snatched it up!!! The guy at the counter commented, " I hope he's going to a good home, he's one of my favorites"! Oh, yes, I replied... he will be joining Rooster Manor and will be ruling the roost there!

I got this cute little needlework Fall pillow on a prior trip there... Duchess was trying to tell me that I was wasting my time on the pillow when I should have been focusing on her...

A sweet little oil dipping set with a French twist ! Avez vous du Grey Poupon?

Here is the hen that I got on my first trip to the Flea. She is so comfy in the porch, but might have to come in when the weather gets cooler... I would love to make a lamp outa her....

Here is my favorite silhoute... I was trying this lamp out in different places, but decided that I like it better in the first picture...

Okay, you might be thinking, what in the world made you buy those old windows? Well, for one they were only 3.50 a piece and I have some ideas as to how I will use them. Got any suggestions?
Just look at this gorgeous pediment filled with lemons! It had been reduced to $18. and I will find the perfect spot for it!
This is an interesting candle holder... got a pair , they were $5 a piece and I liked the designs on it. Looks a little tuscan... we'll see were these end up
So after all of that shopping, we went to the best BBQ shack in the south... Williamson Bros. Bar-B-Q..... Oh my goodness, they should bottle up the smell and sell it for perfume. A little dab behind the ears and your man will be all over you! LOL... the food wasn't bad either. I had the BBQ pulled pork sandwich on garlic toast... and Margie allowed me one or two of her french fries...she doesn't like to share her food! Specially not her dessert! When she sends me the pictures of the stuff (I mean treasures), that she got I will share those with ya!

P.S.....Here are Margie's finds: A King size Matelese set with pillow shams and bedskirt which she had to cram into her suitcase... a cute ceramic welcome sign, a rooster and a finial... not pictured is a purse, a halloween figurine and the most amazing handsculpted dragon which hangs from the ceiling...for her daughter!

This isn't the dragon she bought, but very similar in different colors... her DD LOVED it.

Here's a sign that summed up our visit... isn't this the truth?!?

Isn't this the perfect spot? I just love it here... thanks, Margie for twisting my arm to buy it!