Thank you
Tardevil and
Sqawmama for honoring me with this most prized Kreativ Blogger Award.
The rules are:
Acknowledge the person who sent it to you.
Pick 6 people who deserve this award to tag.
List 6 things you value and 6 that you don't:
Okay, here goes.... 6 Things I value (besides my health, family and friends)
1. A good strong cup of coffee in the morning...mmmmm my homemade starbucks
2. Jeans that strech.... (self explanatory, I believe)
3. Puppy kisses from my furbaby, Duchess
4. A good juicy garage sale, early Saturday morning
5. Girls' night out... Bunco, Cards or just going out to Dinner..being goofy.
6. A good loud belly laugh that makes you cry, almost pee your pants, can't stop, can't breathe!
Now for the 6 Things That I Don't Value: ( Besides Prejudice, Selfishness and Close minded people)
1. Weighing in at the doctors' office
2. Paying full price for anything
3. Perfection.... soooooooooo over rated...
4. People that put other people down to make themselves look better
5. Snobs
6. When the clothes you just bought shrink 2 sizes in the wash... (mmm.. should have bought more strechy jeans...DUH)
So now I would like to bestow this award to :
Tricia at
Mishebe at The
Laurie at
Sarah at
Chari at
Bella at
Have fun , ladies!