Here's a little vintage victorian rocker that I bought through Craig's List... It had seen better days!

A little paint, fabric, staples and gimp .... and Voila! I used my favorite French country fabrics and gave it a little , "Je ne sais quoi. (thanks, Bridget for the correct spelling).

Hubby thinks I should sell it (WAAAAAAAAAAAA), but you know how good it looks right here at Rooster Manor! I'll think about it.........
WOW WE WOW! Great transformation!
BTW, I believe that Je ne sais quois is the correct spelling. Je ne sais pas was my favorite phrase in french since it means 'I don't know!' lol
Wow! It's gorgeous! Ok, if you can sell it for a million dollars, then go for it, otherwise Rooster Manor has a new resident! ;0}
Wow did that ever come out beautiful... I would never part with it... It is such a conversation piece and so awesome... NOOOOOOO don't do it... It has been waiting for a good home for so long and your it...
love your blog...that is one fab chair redo. cherry
That's beautiful,I don't know if I could part with that or not. You are most talented. I love your header and I can't wait to send you a photo of the Santa I have that looks like that. I'm sure I have a poor rendition of yours.LOL
That is so beautiful!!! I love the reds and yellows...don't sell it!!! :) :)
I am in the midst of finishing up a gossip bench I bought at a garage sale...hopefully will finish it today...I can't wait to post about it!
Love your blog!
Don't sell it. You'll never forgive yourself (or your husband)! That is the best transformation I've ever seen!!!! Love the yellow and the fabric selection!!
Wonderful! You must keep it! OR give it to me! It would fit in my little country french home too!
Love the little chair - I have the same fabrics in my fabric stash! Thanks for commenting on my Halloween Tree post. One more thing on the adoption conversation -- always be proud of the joy you have given to your adoptive parents. It is the most wonderful feeling for a parent to experience adopting a child!!!! Sally
Oh yes, definitely sell me! That just turned out so pretty. What talent you have. I've got a bunch of chairs in the garage that I need you to come work on!
Oh wow, you're a friggin' genius! That looks absolutely amazing, and I love the fabrics and colors you used! Damn, I'm impressed!
Justine :o )
This chair is AMAZING! I wouldn't want to part with it either! Love the warm yellow and the reds, and of course, the rooster. You did an incredible job.
OMG - it is GORGEOUS! I am in awe of how you can transform a chair. I am currently reupholstering a $20 yard sale chair and am using yours as an inspiration. I keep looking back at the 2 you redid - Tallulah Tassel and Frannie Fringe - to copy. I am going to get some fabric hopefully on Monday and have it done sometime next week. If mine turns out half as good as yours I'll be happy!
Who would think that you would could get such a cute chair from that. I'm going to have to start looking at things in a a different light! That turned out so cute! ~ Robyn
That has got to be one of those most gorgeous re-do's I've ever seen. Ok maybe it's because I'm partial to yellow...and it probably has alot to do with the fact that you chose the most amazing fabrics....but I'm in LUST with that chair. How could you ever part with it???
Santa, just saw you had a new post, and had to tell you that I took in something I purchased to one of my favorite stores yesterday for a little adjustment, and was looking at a rooster they had in there, and wouldn't you know, it's the same one you have on the right side of your blog? Would figure that I like another "Santa thing". Just loved the color of his tail. Now, about that hubby of yours, you need to brainwash him b/c that chair is a definite keeper. It is too cute not to belong in a Santa's can tell him I said so! I'm sure a little sweet talk will work!
Whenever I see something like this, a complete transformation, I am so envious. You ahve such a talent! I wouldn't let it go, Rooster Manor deserves it to stay right there!!!! However, in this economy...if you can get top $$$$ GO FOR IT!!!!!:):):) Pinky
Santa, don't mean to be a gnat, but was on Art & Artifact's website today searching for a retro Santa treeskirt I let slip by me last year, HOPING I could get it this year when I saw these blue & white porcelain votives. They're so Santalicious! Hope you can view the link.
You are so talented!! Love the chair. I remember you from RMS and your home is beautiful. Welcome to the world of blogging. My twin and I are new to it and enjoy it a lot. Just trying to get the hang of it all. Some people are such pros!
Re: your note to me...that is TOO funny! I knew you had good taste. Don't worry, you're in good company with that shopaholic I said, I'm sure if we unite, we can turn this economy around! :O)
Wow...what a difference paint and new fabric make! It looks wonderful!
OMG !!!!! You did it again!!!! I absolutely LOVE how you can transform chairs! Gee, I wish you lived closer to me in TN - maybe I could sweet talk you into making me a wonderful creation! haha
This looks so great! Your attention to details is what makes it come out so nicely.
Could you let me know how you get the photos from people's posts to appear in your blogroll?
Never mind! I figured it out!
Hello Rose! did it again!!! What a marvelous miracle worker you are! I just love how your little rocker turned that pretty yellow that you used and the fabric...Ooh la frenchy and I love it!!! I always enjoy seeing your chair transformations!!!
Warmest wishes...Chari (Happytodesign)
Hi Sweetheart, I hope you have a nice day.
Oh my goodness... I love it, you can ship anytime.. I'm the first in line to scream.. my little porch needs it... girl.. you need to send some hints my way how to even start... a person can feel so left out if they aren't blogging...soooooo help..... ~lynne~
What a fabulously transformed chair!!! Itis absolutely gorgeous. I just love those colours. Oh my now I want one too!! Noooo don't sell it..I agree it looks soo good there.
Thank you for sharing and the inspiration.
Come visit me too when you have a chance.
Rose...You are good Girl friend..WOW!! and keep it...this is just beautiful are a whiz with fabric..Hope all is well in Roseville today.. Hugs and Smiles...Gloria
I would of never bought that chair.
You really have a talent for seeing the potential in things.
You did a great job. I say keep it.
hi, thanks for your comment, I think blogging about stuff like that can help tremendously, others people's thoughts and views are so helpful I think. I am nowhere near as brave as you, I find it very hard to deal with the past...
absolutely love the chair makeover, I think I could spend all day looking at what people do with these projects.
now, would you mind if you have any spare time at all explaining how you got the fabric on the chair? do you just cut a bit the same size (how do you do that?) and staple and then cover the staples with trim? and is it easy to pull it tight, if you see what I mean, hope you don't mind me asking, I saw this on another blog and am eager to have a go but not sure how to go about it
Wow! Love the chair, it's amazing!!
LOVE IT. the chair is Awesome. Ok lets have Rooster day tomorrow. mishelle
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