Didn't I tell you I had 2 beautiful and smart daughters? Well, here's my oldest, Kristin. I will introduce you to Kathryn in a later post.
Not only beautiful and smart but creative too. She is in her second year of Dental School in Charleston,
at the Medical University of South Carolina.
She has wanted to be a Dentist since she was in high school... and is well on her way.
This weekend she sent us a picture of pumpkins that she and her friend carved... well, being in dental school, her friend Lynn carved a pumpkin with perfect teeth (on the left), my Kristin, on the other hand carved the one on the right.... can you tell what it is ?!? I couldn't until she sent a picture of it lit up.... check this sculpture out! :
A big fan of Star Wars .... the evil Darth Vader! Unreal, isn't it?! mmmm... I wonder where she got her artistic flair from?!? She didn't use any patterns, just looked at a picture of him .
x I'm not sure how this happened, but if you click on this you can see the bagels that she made from scratch... Ummmm

This is Jack... Kristin's friend ,Katie's yorkie.... awww what a cutie!
Here's a painting she made for a friend last fall... I sure would like one of those too..... (hint hint)
We are so proud of our girls... it's great when they come home for the weekend and visit. Here's Kristin relaxing on the porch. Y'all save your dental work , two years from now she'll be opening her practice and would love to see you!

Beautiful daughter and very artistic, hmmm. wonder where she gets that from. mishelle
she is absolutely gorgeous! and smart...and talented! you should be bragging!
told ya I'd be back! lol
I'm still shaking my head that it took me so long to click on your name! lol
Rose,I know how very proud you must be.Beautiful,smart and creative.An apple doesn't fall to far from the tree,ya know.
Those pumpkins are fabulous.and you must get us the receipe for her bagels.Those look like they could melt in your mouth.....Ann
Rose, she is absolutely beautiful..and so talented.. You have every right to be proud..
hugs ~lynne~
What a beautiful and talented daughter!! I'm impressed with those bagels - I'm not sure I could made those after all these years of cooking experience. Can hardly wait to meet your other daughter. Sally
What a beautiful, talented daughter. Like mother..., huh? She is so creative. Love that artwork. She certainly needs to do one for her mother! laurie (bargainhunr)
Ohhhh weee girl...you stand on the roof top and brag!!!! She is absolutely gorgeous and what talent that child has!! It is wonderful to see our young people these days with such ambition and goals in life....good for her and those bagels were beautiful...I know that is no the way to describe bagels but lordy they were pretty! lol Great post...loved those pumpkins!!! lol
OH Rose your daughter is a beauty...but girl I don't know if I can wait for 2 years to go to the dentist..I might need dentures by that time.. I just love your blog girl and getting to know more about you and your great family..and Golly Gee mama does Santa's so why not daughter does pumpkins...just great Girl..Hugs and smiles Gloria
Rose, she's gorgeous and so artistic! I was absolutely drooling for a bagel btw, (drooling is such an unattractive trait too). If she opens a practice out my way, I'll change dentists! :0} Diane
She is a beauty...smart, gorgeous, and she's artistic too. Doesn't seem quite fair to me! I can see why you are so proud!
Oh my, but she is beautiful! And when I first looked at her pumpkin I thought it was Yoda!!!!!!! ROFL! Hey, at least I had the right movie!
Those bagels look soooooooooo yummy! Can she share the recipe with us? I'd love to try that!
Justine :o )
Hey, did my first comment go through??? I didn't get a message that it did! DAMN!
Justine :o )
You have a beautiful daughter, and a very talented one too. Love the painting, and the pumpkin how clever. The Yorkie is so cute just love the photo of it. hey a proud Momma should do some bragging so you go girl....
Hi Rose...Kristen is a daughter to be proud of that's for sure...
beauty & brains. Something tells me she is very much like her mother!! ;-) Bo
Of course we moms have to brag!! I could go on and on for hours about my girl - but this is about your girl. She is very beautiful and talented from that little bit you did give us - can't wait to meet your other girl!! That painting was lovely, and that pumpkin - how cute!!
Thanks for sharing her with us!!
Hey girl, there are some short videos of Jill and I when we were out shopping a couple months ago. Geez, what's the name of the post? I think it was something like... Hmmm... lemme go see!
Here's one... http://justines-cafe.blogspot.com/2008/08/chilis-target-bugs-and-nubs.html
And this one...
Justine :o )
Wow, what a beautiful daughter.
Please get the recipe for the fabulous bagels please.....
Pat H
Your daugther is so pretty and quite talented. She is also lucky to have such a great mom! I just found your blog and love it....when are you going to show some Santa's?????? By the way, your dog is so cute. We have a yorkie and her name is Maggie...she is featured on my blog occasionally too!
Yes, you do have a gorgeous daughter! Very talented, too!! She's can give shots, drill the teeth, carve pun'kins and paint and still manage to look pretty!
BE a sweetie,
Shelia :)
Thanks so much Ann, you lovely lady! I will try to get her to reveal her bagel making secrets... watch out Einstein bagels, you're going down!
Rose, Thanks for the moral support! I needed it! Bet I have at least 6 porcelain Barbies & you can imagine what I paid for most. Their value is zilch! Maybe I'll donate them someday... Diane
Thank you Pat and Shelia, your comments are always appreciated!
Wow! Check out those pumpkins! You should have seen mine last year! That's a thought for a Halloween blog: Jill's disaster pumkins. :)
The next Miss South Carolina in the making!!! Seriously, she's beautiful...I know you're proud. I hope the guy was HOT...you know, the "friend" she gave the painting to b/c if I were you, I'd be upset if "he" (the friend) wasn't and her mom didn't get it b/c it was too cool! LOL!
wow smart, talented, pretty and best of all you'll all have good teath
and phew that pumpkin is soooo good, can you belive how creative that is? and how patient she must be...makes me feel pretty pathetic lol!
You have every right to brag! What a beautiful girl. I believe she is what they call the whole package! She would look great with my 21 yr old son. I think you met him over at Susan's blog. Check him out and see what I mean. You've done a great job. Can't wait to meet her sister. It's early morning here and those bagels look really good. Does she deliver?
She's a beauty queen! I love her dark hair and pretty smile! I'd want one of those paintings too. She's creative and smart like her mommy! I look forward to meeting your other girl too.
Hey now, where did my post go off to? I swear I posted earlier about your beautiful daughter. Well, she sure is pretty and I'd be waaaaay proud if she was mine too. And she's creative like her mommy!
Hugs, P
Hey Rose - Don't know if you've been following my bench saga - but it has finally arrived and I've posted the pictures. Come check it out if you get a chance.
Your daughter is beautiful as well as smart and very creative! I bet she takes after you...
Rose...my son's pediatric dentist was a woman and she used to have a sign in her waiting room that said, "Don't tell your daughter to marry a doctor, tell her to become one." :-) Well, girl...you will soon never have to pay for dental work again! :-) Kristin is lovely! Susan
You should be proud! It's great when are children make us proud of whom they become as adults! You did a good job, Mom!
I know I am very proud of my daughters!
I think your talented daughter is also very beautiful. Her pumpkin is a masterpiece. Thanks for the Kreativ Blog Award. I enjoyed reading your values too. Have a great day.
You have every reason to brag.She's beautiful,creative, smart and has a goal for a career that she will always be able to take care of herself. What else could a mother ask for?. Lucky you.
ahhh, the apple doesn;t fall very far from the tree!! She is just beautiful and so talented.
She sure will make a good-lookin' dentist!!
love, bj
Oh my...she is absolutely beautiful...and so talented! You should definitely be bragging and I'm sure the boys are just knocking down her doors!
Hey Rose...just stopping by to say Hi!! Girl I had no idea how much time its takes to do this blog thing..I have been at this putor all day..I think I am going to have to do a schedule on postings from now on...I am not old for this every day haha!!! hope all is well in your world girl..seen Toots has been by now..she called me the other day and said she did't know you had a blog and she felted terrible about it..well take care dear Rose and give that Yorkie some loving from me.. Hugs and smiles Gloria
Hi Rose, Kristin(great name by the way)is VERY talented. She can paint, make bagels from scratch, carve amazing pumpkins and is going to be a dentist! Oh, and she's beautiful. Your Kristin has it all!! I'm VERY impressed! Kristen
You sure have a lot to be proud of! What an amazing girl!
That pumpkin is the coolest. I also love her painting.
So cute and very talented. You have plenty of excuses for bragging!!!
Hugs, Bridget
Hey Mom, Have you laid in the dental chair for 8 hours at a time yet? Don't worry if you haven't - you will. But that's what a mother does for her baby. Have a nice weekend! ~ Robyn
* You have EVERY RIGHT to be PROUD!!! You've certainly been beautifully blessed, my friend, in soooo many ways!!! What an upper! Warmest, Linda *
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