I asked fellow bloggy friends for Nobrainer Dinner Ideas and the following ladies were glad to contribute! I can't wait to see their wonderful quick and simple dinner ideas:
Recipes should appear on Monday
Tardevil at Confessionsofa40somethingmamaqueen.blogspot.com
Diane at Fourpawsco.blogspot.com
Sally at Sallyssalmagundi.blogspot.com
Laurie at Bargainhuntingwithlaurie.blogspot.com
Donna at Adventureswithtassie.blogspot.com
Judy at Gracioussouthernliving.blogspot.com
Robyn at Thereisalwaysthymefor.blogspot.com
Cheri at geergathering.blogspot.com
Dawnie at Dawnieslifeifbythesea.blogspot.com
Lynette at Lynetteslam.blogspot.com
Marianna at Cardinalacre.blogspot.com
Bo at Blinksnwinksfrombrown-eyes.blogspot.com Bo has promised a delicious no brainer dessert!
This one is from Justine: at justinesfroggybloggy
My no-brainer main dish is roasted chicken breasts. Just made them last night for me and the girls. I buy them with the bone, and skin-on, but I've made it without the skin too.I just pour olive oil over them, lots of garlic powder, salt and pepper, sometimes some lemon, and then for added flavor, Teriyaki. This will kind of burn on the pan, so near the end I pour more over. Baste ocassionally and YUM! Oh, I bake them at 350 for 45 minutes or so, until my thermometer says they're about 170 degrees. Oh, and use the drippings to dip!Justine :o )
Penny's at Alwayssomethingbypenny.blogspot.com No brainer idea:
An easy no brainer is to wrap a couple of pieces of chicken or pork in some foil with fave BBQ or fave Italian Dressing inside. Place foil wrapped product on pan and bake at 350 for 45-60 minutes. Serve with salad or side veggies.
One of Dawnie's at Dawnieslifeifbythesea.blogspot.com
Here is one of my favorite stand-bys that helped me many nights when our 5 kids were young!Fry up a lb or so of Ground BeefAdd onion, little garlic.Dump in a can tomato soup, can of green beans.Mix up a batch of boxed Garlic Mashed Potatos, place on top-cover with Cheddar Cheese and bake at 350 until cheese is nice and bubbly and brown. Adjust to how many your serving!
I hope I didn't miss anyone! Let me know.. I'm having to do this on my new laptop and it's so sensitive, it freaks out on me all the time, so I hope I did it right!
Okay, here are my 3 "go to "entrees from my previous post :

Grill chicken, cut in strips.
Place on top of salad greens, top with thinly sliced pears or granny smith apple, sprinkle gorgonzola or feta , add thinly sliced red onions and top with pecans and dried cranberries .
I serve it with raspberry vinagrette dressing.

Place chicken breast in a 9/13 casserole dish.
Pour rotel tomatoes over the chicken. (if this is too spicy you can use mild salsa instead). Bake at 375* for about 30 mins or until done. Take it out, sprinkle with cheese put it back in for 5 min.
Dollop of sour cream, if desired.

(Of course you can make it with ground beef or chicken).... Brown turkey meat along with finely chopped onion, sprinkle Taco Bell taco seasoning on top and add a tiny bit of water.
Cook until done.
Spoon into taco shell that has been warmed (follow box direction), top with:
salsa. (sourcream and guacamole are great if your not dieting)
Please click on the above participants to find solutions to your "dinner dilemmas"... I hope you find a new favorite!
Wow this is helpful. Thank you.
What a great idea. I love to cook but some times you need those easy goto recipes. I have found many to try and keep close at hand for the quick eats.
Okay that was fun. Please host this again! ALL of the recipes look so good, and I definitely got a few to try this week. I love the easy ones! Hahaha I think mine is the laziest of all though.
Okay, off to by some shrimp, taco fixin's, cobbler fixin's. Hugs, Penny
Looks like a bunch of really good recipes. Thanks for opening your blog for this idea! Sally
Rose - this was a great idea!! Thank you soooo much for taking this on. Maybe this could be something "we" do on a regular basis - say monthly or so??? I couldn't come up with weekly but it would be fun to keep swapping. DH works late most every night so I just don't cook - maybe if I cook he won't work late - reverse psychology, might have to give that a try!!
Thanks again for hosting this fun event!!
I came by way of Laurie's Blog. This is a splendid idea. Can't wait to try some of these wonderful, and to me, new ideas. Have already visited several of the posters and copied some of the recipes to try. It is a good thing that DH is used to being my guinea pig.
Great Post!!! One that I need too!!!! Thanks, nancy
Rose - I promise I'm not blog stalking you or trying to flood your comment section - just wanted to let you know I just made your "Chix Rotel" and it was incredible. Didn't have the Rotel tomatoes, had to use diced with olive oil and garlic instead and used bow-tie pasta as a side - YUMMY. My house smells soooo good. Left a message for DH on his cell, he'll probably think its our anniversary or something!!
Thanks again -
Rose..what a great idea!!1 I love this, am always looking for something fast and easy! After 40 years of marriage it gets hard to come up with NEW things to cook! Thanks again! Pinky
I'm late on the recipe train but I have posted some easy and YUMMY desserts. I love recipes, thanks for having everyone share!
Are you busy making Santas? It is that time of the year. Thanks so much for coming to leave nice notes in my blog. laurie
I've gotten some good recipes from this post ...I'ev eevn tried one of Tar's already!
I'd love it if you hosted this again too Rose...I'd play.
Great idea to share recipes! I will have to check out all of them! I am so glad you visited my blog, 'cause is led me here and yours is amazing! I have enjoyed reading through your posts and viewing your gorgeous home! You have a wonderful eye for decor! Hope you don't mind if I add you to my blogger roll! It was been a delight to visit and I can't wait to see what you have new to share! ~Rhonda :)
Hey Rose - Just making the rounds tonight and thought I'd drop in and say "Hi". Not much going on - just missing my girl tonight (badly) but I promised myself I would not call her - not fair to her - so I'm coming over here to whine a little - whine, whine, pout, pout. OK - I'm done now - thanks for the cyber shoulder!!
Talk with you later.
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